
7 月 / 02 / 2011

由倫敦 AMV BBDO 為 Walkers 所製作的〈歡迎來到三明治〉推廣案,是 2011 年首屆坎城創意效果獎的得獎作品。目前坎城官網上開放下載該案以及所有得獎作品的報名文件(原連結已失效)。我們也利用這文件來解析與學習能發揮效果的創意的思維與呈現方式,更希望儘快有機會進軍坎城創意效果獎。首先介紹的是摘要的撰寫。

坎城創意效果獎要求所有參賽作品準備 400 字內的作品摘要。AMV BBDO 的〈歡迎來到三明治〉推廣案的摘要共用了371字,在此將坎城創意獎的摘要寫作說明,與AMV BBDO 本案報名的摘要全文翻譯如下:

Summary 摘要

請在 400 字以內概要說明本案及其效果分析。你應首先強調作品背後的創意概念,之後描述推廣案如何成功達成目標,最好能援引實證資料。本摘要最主要的用途是在評審後展示作品之用,但評審在評審過程中也會看到本摘要。

Please submit an overview of the campaign and analysis of its effectiveness in 400 words or less. You should first highlight the creative idea behind the work, then describe how the objectives of the campaign have been successfully met, referring to your verifiable sources. This will primarily be used after the judging to showcase the winners. However, the judges will also have access to this summary during judging

AMV 的摘要寫作:

挑戰:每 10 頓午餐中只有 1 頓會包括 Walkers 洋芋片。創意概念:證明 Walkers 能讓任何三明治變刺激,甚至是連肯特郡叫做三明治的小鎮。

Our challenge: only 1 in 10 lunch breaks included Walkers crisps. The creative idea: prove Walkers can make any Sandwich more exciting, even the town of Sandwich, Kent.


Through a series of surprise celebrity-led events, we turned the sleepy town into the most exciting town in Britain. Timely distribution of content from the events through PR, TV and online channels then created a sustained buzz nation-wide.

本案的概念設計上除了創造出投入式廣告(engaging advertising),也要創造出具有話題性的公關材料,並讓所有可能的利益關係人員,包括三明治鎮當地人,記者,和經銷商,都因為我們為他們創造出的難忘經驗,主動幫活動宣傳。

This was an idea designed not only to lead to engaging advertising, but also to great PR material, and to natural advocacy from all those who would be involved – the Sandwich town locals, Journalists and Retailers – by creating an unforgettable experience for them.

為何選擇三明治?2009 年,Walkers 洋芋片發現單包裝市場有利可圖的新成長機會,而善用這個機會的關鍵在於讓更多人在午餐時買洋芋片搭配三明治。

Why Sandwiches? In 2009, Walkers identified a new opportunity for growth in the profitable ‘singles’ segment of the business. The opportunity lay in getting more people to buy crisps with their lunchtime sandwich.

消費者對於洋芋片對他們的三明治可能發生的作用已經有相當正面的看法:60%都同意如果三明治加洋芋片會更好吃。但是只有 12%在午餐時規律購買兩者。

Consumers already had a relatively favourable view of what a bag of crisps could do for their sandwich – 60% agreed that their sandwich would be improved. Yet only 12% of them were buying the two together regularly at lunch.


Two things stood in their way: mental availability (saliency) – they just weren’t thinking of the two together at the crucial moment; and physical availability – crisps weren’t sitting near enough to sandwiches in-store.

為了達成營收成長 15%的目標,我們需要兩個障礙都破除,而這意味捕捉四種目標群的想像:英國大眾、新聞記者(讓公關報導幫助增強我們僅有的 250 萬英鎊預算的效果)、Walkers 銷售團隊,以及最終決定是否把我們的洋芋片放在三明治附近的經銷商。

To achieve our revenue growth target of 15%, we needed to rectify both things, and that meant capturing the imaginations of four audiences: the Great British Public, Journalists (to get the PR coverage that would help stretch our modest £2.5m budget), the Walkers Sales-force, and the Retailers who would ultimately decide whether we got to put our crisps near their sandwiches.

我們的創意奏效嗎?是的。我們成功讓三明治+Walkers 成為明顯的組合:「讓任何三明治更加令人享受」增加 18 個百分點。(資料來源:Millward Brown 調查)我們也成功在實體可即性上達陣:「獨特令人興奮的推廣案真正捕捉我們銷售團隊的想像,讓 Walkers 的飲食搭在多頻道上都展現絕佳的執行。」——英國百事公司銷售副總裁 Jason Richards。我們也達成營收成長目標,事實上我們擊敗了目標,達成 26% 的營收成長(來源:AC Nielsen。)

Did our idea work? Yes it did. We delivered on making Sandwiches + Walkers a more salient combination: ‘Makes my sandwich more enjoyable’ +18pts (Source: Millward Brown tracking).
We delivered on physical availability: “The unique and exciting nature of the campaign really captured the imagination of our sales teams and our customers, leading to fantastic execution of Walkers meal deals across multiple channels.” – Jason Richards, VP of Sales, PepsiCo UK
And we delivered on the revenue growth target; in fact we beat it, achieving an increase of 26% (Source: AC Nielsen).


One Response to “歡迎來到三明治:2011年坎城創意效果獎大獎得獎作品”

  1. […] 2011年度坎城國際創意節已經於6月19-25日成功舉辦。2011年度的新增獎項,是籌備兩年半才推出的坎城創意效果獎(Creative Effectiveness Lions)。創意效果獎被定義為坎城的最高級獎項,不但報名費高(每件作品報名費1,185歐元,以現在匯率計算約台幣49,450元),只有得過坎城創意獎,或是入圍過的作品,經坎城主動邀請,才能參加,過程中的實效也先 經全球四大會計師事務所之一的資誠聯合會計師事務所審核,並可能在過程中多次發回報名代理商依要求重寫報名文件,才經由由包括客戶在內的資深行銷傳播專業人士組成的評審團評審。2011年第一屆的創意效果獎共有33個國家的142件作品參加,而卻有共達20位評審組成評審團。最後選出10件入圍作品,5件獅獎得獎作品,並由倫敦AMV BBDO為Walkers洋芋片製作的〈歡迎來到三明治〉(也請參考《2010年坎城廣告獎結案報告》64頁)獲得第一屆坎城創意效果獎的大獎。 […]

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