Naoki Ito作品介紹(2)–XBOX Big Shadow大影子

1 月 / 06 / 2009




此作品的CD是Koshi Uchiyama內田光司,Naoki Ito則是Art Director。

Credits上除了GT之外,還有其他協力廠商:Kensuke Senbo/ZOOLIB/Daima Kawamura/projector/NON-GRID/IMG SRC/mashstudio/29970/ETHER。


3 Responses to “Naoki Ito作品介紹(2)–XBOX Big Shadow大影子”

  1. Anonymous表示:

    Dear teacher:
    I'm your student in MCU and really need to contact you for urgent thing..plz sign in MSN to see the message I leave to you& reply asap!Thx so much !
    by the way, your blog is so WoW~!!profesional look..

  2. A-wing表示:

    Jacqueline is in India from 28 December to 16 January 2009.She won't use her computer & mobile.If you want to contact her, you can try to call the hotel phone.Good luck!

  3. 小魚表示:

    Well, in fact I never really stayed in any of the hotel listed. Haha!

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