
11 月 / 25 / 2008



Dear 小魚


昨天收到一封 Kessels Kramer 透過 Miami Ad School 轉的信,他們現在要出一本和刺青有關的書,希望全世界的 writers 提供短篇小說。找一個有趣的刺青圖案,然後寫一個故事。可以真實,可以虛構,可以半真半假,沒有限制。如果台灣有文案對英文寫作有興趣也有信心,可以把握這個機會,要是能登在 Kessels Kramer 出的書裡一定很棒!



kesselskramer, a communication agency in Amsterdam, is working on a book about tattoos called INK.

we’re asking writers from around the world to contribute short stories.

here’s what we’re asking, specifically:
find an interesting tattoo.
and then tell the story behind it.

true stories.
semi-true stories.
completely made up stories.
we welcome them all.

all we ask is that you tell a great story.
and try to keep things between 500 and 4,000 words.

happypets, an amazing team of illustrators from switzerland, is going to create illustrations to accompany each story.
take a look at their work here: http://www.happypets.ch/

we need all submissions by the 1st of December.

unfortunately the only compensation for selected stories will be a free copy of the book once published.
and possibly a dutch candybar.

please send previously unpublished submissions to lumberjack@kesselskramer.nl.

all best,

Zack McDonald
Lauriergracht 39
1016RG Amsterdam, NL
+31 (0) 20 5301060 (t)
+31 (0) 62 4910989 (m)

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