Sony VAIO 的模特兒上街

3 月 / 21 / 2009

Sony VIAO在1月底2月中,以及倫敦時裝週推出了這個模特兒上街的活動。與四位年輕時裝設計師結合,讓他們為拿著VAIO的模特兒打扮,然後讓這些化妝與移動方式都模仿假人的模特兒出現在如紐約中央車站與街頭。當然也出現在倫敦時裝週特別舉辦的活動。全部的影片(目前共12支,包括一支對四位設計師的專訪)都可以在Sony的YouTube品牌頻道上觀賞。

Client: Sony Vaio
Title: Behind the Scenes: Mannequins
Agency: 180 LA
Production Company: BlackLake, Los Angeles
Director: Arlo Rosner
Agency: 180 LA
Head of Production: Peter Cline
Producer: Kate Morrison
Creative Director: Joel Rodriguez
Art Director: Lindsay Akino
Copyriter: Graham
Production Company: BlackLake, Los Angeles
Executive Producer: Jon Barlow
Director: Arlo Rosner
Editor: Christine Brown
Asst Editor: Aki Mizutani
Executive Producer: Nicole Visram
Producer: Kasey McGarrigle

One Response to “Sony VAIO 的模特兒上街”

  1. Jetta表示:

    The most unique thing about this is that SONY found its position in fashion, and they did take advantage of it. It’s also for the branding—SONY = SO “N”ew “Y”ork (好紐約喔…)

    Believe it or not, New Yorkers love SONY!

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