
6 月 / 01 / 2009


先講一下題外話,Naoki Ito(伊藤直樹)2月份來台北參加擒獅專案時,在擒獅高峰會上(廣告公司跟數位公司創意總監參加的大師課)解釋了公關跟廣告活動,特別是整合或數位廣告活動的重要性。Naoki說,他自己創作時會很注重公關成份,而且把公關當作整體創意的一部份來創作,因為你可以去搞一個很厲害的網站什麼的,但是你要怎麼把人召到你的網站?就要靠公關的操作。他還舉他的新作Love Distance為例,先在日本甄選遠距戀愛的戀人,讓大家追蹤他們跑向對方的整個過程,而且採用所謂(愛創名詞的Ito桑自創的新名詞)“蒙蔽式的品牌娛樂”(Blind Branded Entertainment)來讓媒體和部落客報導,就是一個以公關為主的創意。所以,公關不是公關公司的專利,越來越多的廣告創意中有公關元素的配合,想必這也是為什麼坎城獎在09年度增設了公關獎。



A01. Consumer Goods, including FMCG and household products 消費性產品,包括快速移動的消費品和家用品
Food and beverages, clothing, footwear and fashion products, furniture, beauty products and toiletries

A02. Healthcare and Services 健康與服務
Private healthcare & clinics, optical, medical & dental services, OTC drugs, psychiatrists and therapists, plastic surgeons etc., contact lenses, hearing aids, vitamins, alternative therapies & medicines, pharmaceutical companies and providers and manufacturers of healthcare equipment e.g. hospital & dental equipment包括診所,光學中心(配眼鏡的),醫院和牙醫,心理醫生,另類療法什麼的,這個產品類聽起來真是樂趣多多。配合花博展去跟花精治療診所企畫一下公關活動應該很好玩。

A03. Automotive and Transport汽車運輸
Cars, vans, lorries, motorbikes, tyres, auto products and services, spare parts, accessories incl. in-car hi-fi, petrol stations, petrol, oil, breakdown & servicing companies, car dealerships

A04. Media, Arts and Entertainment媒體藝術與娛樂
Newspapers, magazines, publishers, TV and radio stations, networks and programmes.
Theatre, cinema, TV programmes, museums, art galleries, festivals, orchestras, nightclubs, bars etc.從酒吧到博物館都可以參加,這個產品類也充滿了樂趣的感覺

A05. Travel, Tourism & Leisure休閒旅遊
Transport, airlines, train & bus companies, ferry & cruise lines, travel agencies, tourist boards and information, country, city and regional promotion, hotels, resorts, golf & country clubs, car hire, travel passes, leisure & theme parks, gyms, health & diet clubs, sports and sporting events世界上最好的工作要是參加就是可以參加這一項

A06. Retail and e-commerce, incl. restaurants零售包括餐廳還有電子商務
Supermarkets, stores, including home shopping, department & specialist stores, online shopping, restaurants, casual dining, fast food, coffee shops這邊還包括咖啡店,愛作小型活動的可以找一下親朋好友推銷一下創意(但是如果作得很低級我一定會罵說這是爛飛機稿)

A07. Financial Services including Investor Relations and Corporate Finance金融服務包括投資人關係與企業金融
Banks, building societies, credit cards, current & savings accounts, mortgages & loans, investment companies, insurance, pensions & real estate investment, mergers and acquisitions, privatizations, financial services marketing

A08. Technology and Manufacturing科技與製造業
Technology and telecommunications services, internet and service providers, televisions, cameras and all audio-visual equipment computer hardware and software
Aerospace, chemicals, plastics, utilities, e.g. Gas, oil, electricity and power, mining

A09. Charity and not for profit慈善與非營利組織

A10. Corporate Communication企業溝通
Campaigns to build the image increase the profile or shape the perceptions of a corporate brand, organization of corporation, trade associations, institutes and councils

A11. Public Affairs政治公關(公共議題的公關)包括立法和遊說什麼的
Government legislation and regulation, lobbying, local authorities, public bodies etc.台灣的民間團體常常在遊行,搞行動劇什麼的,真的應該好好想一下創意,不要每次都在路上表演躺下來,或是繞立法院走圈而已

A12. Internal Communications內部公關
Business to employee communications企業與職員溝通

A13. Corporate Responsibility and Environmental Issues企業責任與環境

A14. Crisis and Issue Management危機處理
Campaigns to plan and/or handle the consequences of a crisis or an issue that may affect a company’s credibility and good reputation.我們的新聞局或總統府發言人室應該可以有很多案例來報這個獎吧!感覺常常有危機在處理的樣子


B01. Best Use of the Internet, Digital Media and Social Media網路、數位媒體以及社交媒體最佳運用

B02. Best Use of Live Events and or Celebrity endorsement活動與名人贊助最佳運用

B03. Best Use of Sponsorship最佳贊助權運用

B04. Best Launch or Re-launch最佳上市或重新上市

B05. Best PR led integrated campaign e.g. campaigns with 3 or more elements or channels that are predominantly PR driven.最佳以公關主導的整合廣告活動(使用三種以上元素或頻道但以公關主導的廣告活動)

B06. Best International PR campaign: e.g. Campaigns that are implemented in 3 or more countries worldwide.最佳國際公關活動(在三個以上國家推出的)我想世界上最好的工作肯定可以在這邊得大獎

最後題外話:這學期我用Future Lions的簡報來教書,我發現學生在選題時碰到相當大的阻礙。女學生想出來都是服飾或配件不然就是在哪打工就想哪家的活動,男生都想3C產品。其實應該拿這個分類表幫助學生全部看一次,應該可以幫助他們擴展選題的範圍。

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